
The success of Our SHOP relies on a dedicated band of staff and volunteers. There are 9 paid members of staff who all work on a part-time basis working from 4 to 25 hours a week. They are supported by an army of volunteers who work in the shop from 1 hour to 5 hour shifts. They are all supported again by a committee of volunteers who organise utilities, leasing of the Our SHOP flat, accounting, staffing, wages, etc. etc.
It’s never too late to volunteer! Contact Mary (mary@ourshophinton.org) Our SHOP Manager and you can come in and have a trial hour to see how you enjoy it. There are many jobs apart from serving at the till. For example: stocking shelves, checking sell-by dates, data entry, cleaning and laundering the Our SHOP aprons.
Our youngest volunteer is 13 doing her Duke of Edinburgh Award, to our eldest who is in her 80s who does two 2 ½ hour shifts a week (she still cycles to work!).
Volunteering is really rewarding and good fun. You will get to know people in the Community and a good chat often helps someone have a better day!
“We would like to thank everyone who helps in the shop. Everyone has something unique to offer to the business. One of the biggest decisions of the day is choosing the right colour apron to go with your outfit! We have 5 colours to choose from – all supporting the Our SHOP logo”.