To become a Member of the Society, complete an application form (available from Our SHOP or here) and leave it in the shop with a cheque for £10 per person made out to ‘HRCS’.
This will entitle you to a life Membership Share Certificate in Hinton St George & Locality Rural Community Services Limited and a vote in company General Meetings. It will also allow you to stand for membership of the Management Committee.
But, most of all, it will bring you into the ‘family’ of villagers (& beyond) who are keen to see Our SHOP succeed and flourish.
Annual Members’ Meetings
The Annual Members’ Meeting is held round about the beginning of February each year, usually in the Village Hall, and is an opportunity for the Management Committee to present to Members the Results for the previous financial year (to 30 September) and an update on the happenings for the past year. There are formal elections for vacancies arising in the Management Committee and the usual resolutions concerning acceptance of the accounts etc.
There is also an opportunity for Members to ask questions of the Committee or to raise proposals of their own.
Usually over 60 Members attend the AMM out of a total of about 400.
Documents from the most recent AMM and previous meetings can be viewed here.
Somerset Community Foundation
The Society has a fund administered by SCF (a charity) to which donations can be sent on our behalf. (The Hinton St George Community Fund)
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid will increase the amount by 25%. The intention is that this fund is available to draw down from to cover any capital expenditure which cannot be funded from the profits arising.
If you wish to donate to the Society in this way, a Donation Form & Gift Aid Declaration can be downloaded here. Please note that any cheques should be made out to ‘Somerset Community Foundation’ not HRCS.