
Highlight the item you wish to order, copy it, click on the back arrow in your browser, scroll down to the on-line order form and then paste the item into the order.

Alternatively copy items into a seperate text file and then copy and paste all items in the text file into the online order form.

Benson & Hedges GoldBenson & Hedges SilverExis Flint Disp Lighter
Golden Virginia 30g inc papersGolden Virginia 50g inc papersLambert & Butler Silver
Mayfair Sky BlueRizla Blue PapersRizla Green Papers
Rizla Green King Size PapersSilk Cut PurpleAmber Leaf 30g
AMBER LEAF 3IN1 CPB (PLN) 30GAmber Leaf 50GAmber Leaf Original 30g
B&H Gold TTTSwan Flints