Highlight the item you wish to order, copy it, click on the back arrow in your browser, scroll down to the on-line order form and then paste the item into the order.
Alternatively copy items into a seperate text file and then copy and paste all items in the text file into the online order form.
Cornflakes - Kelloggs | Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - Kelloggs | Fruit & Fibre - Kelloggs |
Golden Syrup Pot - Quaker Oats | Gorilla Munch Corn Puffs | Granola - Mornflake |
Honey & Oat Gluten Free | Honey Toasted Oat/Rice Clusters - Our Shop | Oatbran 500g - Our Shop |
Porridge Oats 500g - Our Shop | Rice Krispies | Shredded Wheat - Nestle |
Super Deluxe Muesli With Nuts 1kg - Our Shop | Super Deluxe Muesli With Nuts 500g - Our Shop | Variety Pack - Kelloggs |
Weetabix |